Learn To Homebrew Day 2014


Never homebrewed before?

Here’s your chance to see it in action and help out on a brew. Saturday November 1st is 2014 Learn To Homebrew Day. Here’s how it works :

Current Bay Area Mashers will be organizing brewdays at their houses and around town. The locations and times will be posted here (below) along with their contact info. Email them saying you’d like to attend and they’ll reply with directions and details. Meetup on Saturday, learn how homebrewing works and help out with the brew!

Learn To Homebrew Day Locations

Contact any of the hosts to join in the fun!

Are you a BAM homebrewer?

If you’d like to organize a brew day on Learn To Homebrew Day here’s what to do :

  1. Email the officers saying that you’re going to host a brew day on Saturday. Provide the street address that you’ll be brewing at.
  2. Register your Learn To Homebrew Day (use this page as the “website” field http://www.bayareamashers.org/blog/2014/10/27/learn-to-homebrew-day-2014/ )
  3. Find 3 (or more) people who haven’t brewed before to join you. These can be people you already know or people who contact you from the club or both.
  4. Keep your receipts for your materials.
  5. Take some photos and either share them in the Facebook group, in the Flickr group, or send them to the officers.

In return, the club will reimburse you for your materials costs (up to $50).